3 RY Tips to Seeking Your Truth with Lion’s Pose

Rina's Lion PoseSeeking Your Truth requires your ability to be put into uncomfortable and awkward situations and make the best out of them with confidence and clarity. Simhasana (Lion’s Pose) embodies that because it requires you to dig deep within yourself and express from your gut.

3 Tips to Help You Roar!

1. You have to let go of inhibitions especially when practicing this in front of others.

2. Have fun with this pose and do not take yourself too seriously.

3. Connect with the intention of this pose… to be heard and make yourself heard without excuses, apologies or doubts.

Show your conviction, your dedication and your stance while roaring from your lion within. This is your truth!

You can’t do this pose wrong if you follow this advice!

Applying these 3 tips to your daily life will help you stand taller (which you all know I need) and with a more open heart. Let me know how your roar sounds today…

Rina Jakubowicz