5 Poses to Build Balance + Stability in Toestand


Balance, core strength, and range of motion in the ankles and hips will help you master this unconventional yet empowering standing balance. Miami Vinyasa and Vedanta teacher Rina Jakubowicz shows you how to warm up for and master her March cover pose.

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    Standing Hip Opener

    Start by warming up the hips.

    From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), bend your right knee and bring the outside of your left ankle on top of your right thigh. Flex your left foot. Find your balance and actively press your left knee toward the floor to give yourself a deep hip stretch. Press the palms together in the center of your chest for Anjali Mudra. Lower your hips back and down a bit, feeling the stretch in the outer right hip even more. Hold for 10 breaths, then exhale to release and inhale back to Tadasana before switching sides.


Rina Jakubowicz