Living in Gratitude for Yoga: Living in Rina Yoga

When I first did yoga, it slapped me in the face. It knocked me down, spun me around and picked me back up, just to knock me down again. It tasted both sweet and sour. I knew I knew nothing but I knew I wanted to learn more.
I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but from the first day I was hooked.

Bringing the conscious understanding and practice of yoga into my life has changed my life forever. I don’t know who I would be today without yoga in my life. For this, I am forever grateful to my yoga.

This is the reason I named my studio, Rina Yoga. In Hindi, Rina means an ethical or moral debt to something or someone who has provided something of deeper value into your life like a guru or a god or goddess. And yoga has done this for me. Therefore, I wanted to name my studio something that would remind me always to be grateful and put all my unconditional love into my business and into my life.

Thank you Yoga for being the relentless friend that knocks me down and picks me up.
Thank you Yoga for providing me with purpose while I inhale and exhale throughout this lifetime.
Thank you Yoga for loving me so much that you never give up on me.
Thank you Yoga for speaking to me so clearly and directly.
Thank you Yoga for showing me new friends that also live in gratitude of you.
Thank you Yoga for respecting my path so much that you allow me to make my mistakes.
Thank you Yoga for giving me a chance to share you with the world.
Thank you Yoga for giving me a new set of glasses every time I don’t see the truth. Thank you Yoga for living inside of me so peacefully and loving me so unconditionally.

And thank you Students for wanting to experience Yoga with me.

Namaste’ Yoga and You!


Rina Jakubowicz