I Make Love with Myself…

Every time I practice asanas I connect to a deeper place. With each breath, each movement, each taste, each smell and each sensation, I make love.

Yoga has taught me to love myself first as I am, with all my imperfections. So as I practice yoga on my mat, I make love with myself and with all that this universe embodies. I make love with gratitude towards my blessings. I embrace all that I am, as I am.

I explore the smallest inch in my body and the deepest breath from my lungs. I caress my skin with each inhale…and each exhale. My ujjayi warms my insides and makes my eyes float up ever so slightly as I feel the energy building. Beads of sweat kiss my face. Loose hairs tickle my neck. Body parts dance gracefully and rhythmically.

In the beginning, I tease myself with flirtatious movements that make my muscles peak with interest. During the practice, I am at a constant climax as I explore God’s play. But at the end, in the final surrender, I let go and give myself completely.

And yes, it’s sexy, sweet and sattvic.

Rina Jakubowicz

3 thoughts on “I Make Love with Myself…

  1. KJ says:

    Now this…this is what I have been searching since coming back to the 305….

    I have found only “trendy” options or just lack of connection.

    This is….it just is

    Namaste…please teach

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