Personal Thoughts, Uncategorized

Rekindling Our Roots

Last week I shared my journey throughout these two years of traveling. Today, I will share what my real roots are… and they happen to be yours too. Our roots are all the same. Not the ones where our ancestors or cultures come from but from where we all originate. According to the Bhagavad Gita […]

Blog, Uncategorized

5 Steps for Getting into Dragonfly Pose

BY RINA JAKUBOWICZ ON YOGA JOURNAL This intricate arm balance relies on arm, core, and leg strength, balance, and spinal and hip flexibility. Miami Vinyasa and Vedanta teacher Rina Jakubowicz shows you how to warm up and take flight. Reclined Figure Four Start with gentle hip stretches. Come onto your back and cross your right […]

Blog, Uncategorized

5 Hamstring Openers to Find Freedom in Compass Pose

BY RINA JAKUBOWICZ  ON YOGA JOURNAL Compass Pose can demand a lot of your shoulders, hips, and hamstrings. Learn how to warm up safely for this complicated seated pose with Miami Vinyasa and Vedanta teacher Rina Jakubowicz. Bound Standing Forward Fold Baddha Uttanasana Start to open your shoulders and hamstrings in this variation of Uttanasana (Standing […]

Blog, Uncategorized

17 Poses to Prepare for Meditation

BY RINA JAKUBOWICZ on YOGA JOURNAL Not all meditation practice has to happen 
sitting perfectly still in Lotus Pose. By focusing your awareness inward, on the breath and 
the way your body moves through transitions and feels in poses, you’ll reap many of the 
same rewards that seated meditation provides—
heightened focus, balanced energy, a sense […]