Personal Thoughts

Choose Stress by Rina Jakubowicz

Since the publishing of my book, Choose Peace: A Practical Guide into Consciousness, I have noticed a funny trend in how people react to it.  Although there may be a handful of people who are all about it and dive in, a majority prefer to just look at it from a distance, almost afraid to […]


This Clicker is Humbled and Blessed

I am deeply humbled and blessed. The last few weeks have been an amazing experience of selfless support and love from my fellow friends, community, students, and family. Even from before inception of my Oprah’s OWN video, I received encouraging words of confidence, support and complete belief in my ability to make it happen, even […]

Personal Thoughts

El Saco De Carbon

My mom emailed me this story this morning and I think it is a perfect way to visually explain how negative thoughts will only negatively affect you… (story is in spanish… to translate go to  It probably won’t be completely accurate, but it’s worth a try.)  El Saco de Carbón  – I don’t know […]