Rina Jakubowicz is a Yoga Journal Live! presenter and the founder of Rina Yoga in Miami. Look for her on the March 2015 cover of Yoga Journal.
RETURN TO Chakra Tune-Up
This practice kicks off’s #ChakraTuneUp2015. Join us all month to tune in to and tune up your energy centers for a mind-body-soul health overhaul this year.
For many years I was resistant to “healing my chakras.” I simply hadn’t found an explanation about them that made logical sense to me. That was until after my divorce, when I went deeper into myself and studied the subject of healing in greater depth. At that point I learned that the seven chakras are actually synonymous with seven spiritual life lessons that lead an individual to evolve toward a higher consciousness of one’s Self. With this new understanding, I was able to embrace the process and heal one step at a time.
In the following sequence, I’ve shared a life lesson, a pose, and an affirmation connected to each of the seven chakras. Hold each pose for several breaths repeating its affirmation to yourself as you inhale and exhale. These postures and mantras will help you heal from 2014’s trials and start the new year with trust, acceptance, confidence, compassion, clarity, intuition, and recognition of your own divinity.
See also A Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
The first chakra is about trust and learning to trust the world when your initial reaction is fear. Feeling safe and grounded in your surroundings, community, family is key to healing yourself.