This past weekend a group of beautiful souls dear to my heart and close to my soul gathered together to receive their first degree of Reiki from my teacher John Latz. Since I am apprenticing under him to become a Reiki teacher, I got to observe the training from a different perspective. The experience was breathtaking. I was seeing first hand how much love, care and respect a human being can have for another. I also felt how much each person enjoyed giving of themselves without expecting anything in return. They may not realize they felt this, but I saw it and felt overjoyed for them as this is the true practice of yoga.
The peace and light in the room was palpable and visible. I felt honored to be amongst such blessed, holy and genuine souls.
For me, this “holy day” season serves as a reminder of what my true blessings and gifts have been this year and are presently. It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have and what we are lacking, but all it takes is a simple morning text from a friend saying “Awake, Blessed and Grateful” or a smile from a stranger to help me get back into a healthy, loving perspective. So make these holidays “holy” for you and for those you love around you by giving of yourself and not expecting anything in return… especially the physical gifts. Reflect on what are the true gifts you receive from each person in your life. In fact, even make it “holy” for those you don’t love so much around you or for those who make your life a bit more challenging internally. They are your teachers too and could be honored in your heart as a reminder of how much more we need to heal within ourselves.
We always have the power to heal ourselves, which is a lasting lesson this new group of first degree Reiki practitioners learned this weekend. So “heal thyself” with the power of giving and allowing to receive from others as well. (Yes. I know this is one I have to work on myself. I am learning. ☺) If we can’t receive from others we are denying those around us to feel the gift of giving, which we all love to do. Take a moment to recall how happy you get when you make someone else happy or make someone else smile by your thoughtful words and actions. You’ll want to repeat that feeling over and over again the more you do it.
So to you all who want to give, I am happy to receive… and for those of you who need to receive, I am happy to give back. ☺
Happy Every-Day-is-a-Holy Day! Namaste’ 🙂