Approaching burnout? Striving for balance?
Need help managing consuming and toxic work environments and relationships?Looking for ways to navigate work, life choices, and complicated scenarios presented in the modern day era?
Hire Rina one-on-one to be your personal compass through life; whether it be career, relationships, self-care, parenting and overall health. She helps you challenge yourself to think through alternatives and work together to develop a roadmap with an action plan when it comes to making tough choices in complicated moments.

Wisdom was originally shared as a one-on-one practice with a teacher and a student. Over 20 years ago, Rina started her practice in this traditional way and offers you the same individual attention through her personal compass sessions which can include any of the following focuses listed below.
You choose the direction of your sessions.
Customized Career-Counseling and Development
Customized Career-Counseling and Development – includes tangible action plans, developing and understanding your nature and how to choose the right environment for you to grow, determining deal breakers and the best path for your growth.
- In addition, we will discuss interview coaching, goal setting, solving complex problems, resolving uncertainty on what career paths to pursue, moving careers forward, resume rebuilding, getting your career and path started, determining career attainment process, job searches, addressing burnout, helping with organization and efficiency and how to create and execute career strategies.
Customized Relationship-Counseling and Building
Customized Relationship-Counseling and Building – includes setting up goals, processing behaviors, understanding expectations and creating realistic ones, determining deal breakers and the best path for yourself and your partner.
- In addition, we will discuss solving complex problems with your partner, resolving uncertainty on which direction to go in your relationship, when to move relationships to the next level or when to pull back, addressing burnout, and helping with setting healthy boundaries.
Customized Self-Care Counseling and Self-Development
Customized Self-Care Counseling and Self-Development – includes observing habits, discovering beneficial patterns, processing change, creating realistic routines, etc.
- In addition, we will discuss how to solve self-care problems like learning how to say “no” in a healthy and clear way, addressing burnout, and setting healthy boundaries for yourself and others.
Customized Physical Health- Counseling and Development
Customized Physical Health- Counseling and Development – includes a physical regimen based on your goals which includes yoga, food, activities, etc. Understanding the patterns that prevent you from maintaining your optimal health.
- In addition, we will address burnout, how to resolve problems when they arise, moving through physical challenges safely, helping with organization and efficiency and assuring follow-through.
Customized Parent-Counseling and Development
Customized Parent-Counseling and Development – includes understanding your nature vs. your child’s nature, how to communicate optimally with your child, how to help yourself be your priority, plus learning new perspectives on how to approach challenges at home.
- In addition, we will address burnout, resolving problems when they arise, setting healthy boundaries, getting your healthy communication going, and how to create and execute parenting strategies in your household and for your child.
- In addition, we will address burnout, how to resolve problems when they arise, moving through physical challenges safely, helping with organization and efficiency and assuring follow-through.
- In addition, we will discuss how to solve self-care problems like learning how to say “no” in a healthy and clear way, addressing burnout, and setting healthy boundaries for yourself and others.
- In addition, we will discuss solving complex problems with your partner, resolving uncertainty on which direction to go in your relationship, when to move relationships to the next level or when to pull back, addressing burnout, and helping with setting healthy boundaries.
Can be done in person if you’re local or via Skype from your own home.
Overall, these sessions will include
- ASSESS where you are today and where you want to go.
- IDENTIFY obstacles that keep you from moving forward.
- LEARN practical tools to stay on your path.
Calibrate your self and schedule time with Rina today to ensure that you’re heading in the right direction.
Session Rates
Please email [email protected] for rates.