Personal Thoughts

I Am (Not) A Good Writer

I have been racking my brain all week trying to figure out how to express my feelings in the first article I post as a regular contributor for Elephant Journal. There is so much I could say regarding this phenomenon… So, naturally, I have writer’s block! The reason I call this a “phenomenon” is because I have had […]

Personal Thoughts

The “Paradox” of Freedom

To be completely honest, I am afraid of true freedom… Correction: my mind and ego are afraid of true freedom. Why? Because they don’t know how to exist without having the job of controlling me. I have always thought that if I allowed myself to go deep into meditation for an extended period of time […]

Personal Thoughts

Your Perception = Your Peace

So I decided to venture a little out of the routine of Day 1,2,3, blogging and share with you an article I wrote for a publication… Your Perception = Your Peace by Rina Jakubowicz Every new year we reflect on the previous year and make resolutions to make this year a better one than the […]

Personal Thoughts

I Have Three Karmas? Oh No! by Rina Jakubowicz

I Have 3 KARMAS? Oh No! In fact, they are called Sanjita, Prarabda and Agami! The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali state that “Klesamulahkarmasayo Drstadrsta Janma Vedaniyah.” If you don’t understand sanskrit, the translation by Swami Satchidananda is “the womb of karmas (actions and reactions) has its root in these obstacles, and the karmas bring experiences […]

Personal Thoughts

Heel Chakras! Heal! by Rina Jakubowicz

Balancing and healing the chakras or energy centers in the body can be done in several ways whether it be through specific yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditations, visualizations, mantras, affirmations, or placement of crystals on the body.  In fact, the most effective way is to truly understand the purpose of the chakras, which is to […]