Personal Thoughts

The Techi Yogi Speaks

Stop what you are doing and go outside or near a window to get a breath of fresh air! Take ten deep breaths. Yup! Now! I have been called to create a new persona per se called The Techi Yogi, who’s vision is to help Stop The Burnout!!! It’s a little cheesy but I do […]

Personal Thoughts

Love is a Ninja

Love comes in many forms and can sneak up on you like a ninja – a Love Ninja – and strike when you least expect it, knock you off your feet, change your “reality” and hopefully kill away any doubts, fears, resentments and unresolved issues from your past. Of course, before it kills anything off, […]

Personal Thoughts

As U Wish

As I end one training, I start the next. Am I am workaholic? Yes. Although I’d prefer to call myself a yogaholic and a love-aholic, but tomato – tomatoe. This last training was a cathartic experience for me. I was able to break down barriers I had built up from many years before and was […]

Personal Thoughts

Piercing Through the BS

I never completed my yoga training. In fact, I am still in my training and I don’t suspect I will ever be done with it. My life is my training – whether I am aware of it or not at times. I consciously chose to take a yoga teacher training over 10 years ago in […]