Hey everyone, So, I haven’t BOOMed yet today but I will later. Keep me posted. I want to see some more NAMASTE’s up in here!!!! 🙂 Where are my BOOMERS!!!???? Blessings, Rina
Hey everyone, So, I haven’t BOOMed yet today but I will later. Keep me posted. I want to see some more NAMASTE’s up in here!!!! 🙂 Where are my BOOMERS!!!???? Blessings, Rina
Hey everyone, I am going to need a bit of a shove today. I woke up super late… meaning 45 minutes ago and i’m dragging today… any suggestions? I hope you are all doing your practice every day too! Blessings and love, Rina
Let’s keep the momentum going!!! People are trickling in! I am scheduled to do my practice today at 10:30am with Joan Zone! Two BOOMS for the price of one!!!haha!! If anyone ever wants to create a group and practice together, let me know. I have space in my house for a handful of us. How […]
Hey Yogis! Yesterday I practiced in front of my fireplace and today at the studio in front of the altar. I had to close out some of the students to wait for me to finish, which makes me feel a little badly, but my practice comes first!!! 🙂 let them wait and know that their […]
Hey Yoga Teachers, So, it’s the second of January and have you practiced today? I haven’t!!! But I will and I’ll let you know when I do! Thanks for the motivation… even if you technically haven’t participated in it yet. haha!!! Do you like the new title? BOOM!! I kinda do ’cause it’s what we […]
So, I’ve just completed my 45 minutes of yoga. Mostly stretchy today. Much needed after being on my feet all day yesterday preparing for our mini new years get together at our house. Was up until 7:30am which is the first time I’ve done that since college, aka about 10 years ago. My body is […]
That’s right!!!! I’ll be the first to say it if I need to be…. I practice much less now that I’m a yoga teacher and something tells me that I’m not the only one. I started my journey as a yoga student and loved it so much that I thought, like many of you I’m […]
If you stop what you are doing right now and sit back in your chair, ask yourself, “If this was to be my life forever, would I be happy? Would it be enough for me?” What would you say? Would you be able to take a deep breath and say smilingly, “yes, I am content” […]
I Have 3 KARMAS? Oh No! In fact, they are called Sanjita, Prarabda and Agami! The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali state that “Klesamulahkarmasayo Drstadrsta Janma Vedaniyah.” If you don’t understand sanskrit, the translation by Swami Satchidananda is “the womb of karmas (actions and reactions) has its root in these obstacles, and the karmas bring experiences […]
Balancing and healing the chakras or energy centers in the body can be done in several ways whether it be through specific yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditations, visualizations, mantras, affirmations, or placement of crystals on the body. In fact, the most effective way is to truly understand the purpose of the chakras, which is to […]