Day 53: Boomer is MIA
Sorry again everyone… So, wednesday, I didn’t post and my boom was a yoga nidra… OK, so it was a nap… lol! How are you booming? Namaste bed, Rina
Sorry again everyone… So, wednesday, I didn’t post and my boom was a yoga nidra… OK, so it was a nap… lol! How are you booming? Namaste bed, Rina
Ok, So it’s been a few days since I have posted on the blog. So sorry! 🙁 It’s been an INSANE week! Tuesday, I do not recall what my BOOM was because it was so long ago. lol!!! Well, I did go to the heat game, so maybe it was a HOT BOOM! haha! OK, […]
Hey ya’all, So, today’s boom was a combo of practicing my piano with bhakti love and practicing some asana to my favorite genre of music; classical, specifically Angels and Demons soundtrack. How was your boom? Rina
Hey everyone, I am as pale as a white ass… So, I consider my BOOM today to be getting the Vitamin D my skin needs… Plus, some pranayama helped too! How was your Sunday boom? Namaste Sun, Rina
Hey guys, So today was teacher training day plus our Wellness World event for the family and I had the trainees do the kids martial arts, kids yoga and the kids cardio kickboxing class! The whole point was for them to find their inner child and act as the little kiddies we acting… I wanted […]
Hey guys, So I’m still in insane mode… planning for the signing, plus Daily Candy is taking pictures of the studio today for a deal coming soon… Will find time to boom… will find time to boom… will find time to boom… how are you booming? Rina
This week has been INSANE in the MEMBRANE!! I have been remodeling Rina Yoga and balancing a lot of balls in the air… It has been hard to get in a set boom this week… Hopefully I will settle down as weekend comes…. oh wait, there’s teacher training… haha! and my book signing and a […]
Since I started learning about yoga, all of the Hindu gods and goddesses have intrigued me, but have also confused the crap out of me. I have read information about it online. I have bought about six different books on Hinduism. I was even gifted a “simplified version” from a fellow bhakti yogini in an […]
OMG, my shoulders are not happy with me. Especially my right one. I have been trying to massage it all day and using blocks, bolsters, etc. to try to let it relax and soften. I guess I need to balance out my individual booms better so that I don’t get this kind of tightness. They […]
After my intense handstand-strengthening BOOM with Joan, my shoulders were not so happy with me, so I decided to do restorative poses in an arched and reclined position. I even tried sleeping in fish pose with a block under my back. It worked for about 10 minutes and then I had to lay flat. But […]