
Day 63: Sharing My Boom

Hey yogis, So today I didn’t get to do my own asana BOOM but I got to teach my Choose Peace workshop to ten lovely souls at Bamboo Moves and that to me is an honor and is a kind of BOOM.  It’s more of a BOOM, BAM, BANG, ZONK, CRACK!  At least that’s what […]


Day 62: Booming To the People

Hey everyone, So today I went to Yoga To the People on St. Marks street with my cousin, Stefano.  He kept telling me it was free.  I doubted that it was totally free and I was right.  It was donation-based which naturally I gave my donation.  So this place was cool.  It was a 4 […]


Day 61: Rush-Hour Booming

Hey all, So this was a funny Booming day!  I arrive to NEW YORK CITY; my new favorite city in the world, and I decide to take a little nap… There’s a class at 6:30pm that is about 26 minutes walking distance according to my mapquest on my phone; who was my best friend on […]


Day 60: In a Whirlwind kinda BOOM

Hey Yogis, So today has been INSANE! I haven’t stopped which means I haven’t physically boomed.  I have to pack for NYC still and I have clients all day.  But I love my life!  And I took about 15 minutes today to just watch the ocean.  I guess that’s a kind of BOOM…Soaking in the […]


Day 59: Catching up on Booms

Hey Everyone, So sorry I’ve been MIA.  So Tuesday…  how did I boom?  haha!! I can’t remember it was so far back… Oh, I believe I boomed before my Rocket class.  Yes I did.  In fact, I did a restorative and yin practice in order to stretch out my back and shoulders.  They were ubber […]


Day 58: Humble BOOM

Hey everyone, So I had a chance to practice today before my 24hour fitness class.  It was great! The only thing was that a student started to talk to me  while I was finishing so I didn’t get to savasana, but it was totally worth it.  This beautiful soul, Jessica, told me that she had […]


Day 57: TV booming is OK?

Hey everyone, So I know that the TV is NOT booming time, but what if I aware that I am watching TV and using peripheral vision… like a meditation??? OK OK, so it’s not really a BOOM time…  So maybe I’ll just do some restorative stretches while zoning out… Man, I’m pooped!!! Namaste TV, Rina […]


Day 55: Booming fizzzzzzz

Hey all, So, I have to jump back into the BOOM of things…. HELP!!!! Can anyone give me a nudge? Any suggestions? it’s been such a crazy week that I’m exhausted and I still haven’t gotten completely healed from my throat and sniffles… But I’m not sick! haha! Rina


Day 54: Booming with Love

Hey everyone, So today I had the honor of being the keynote speaker at an event for supporting Caregiving Youth! I met some young amazing courageous souls who really made me think about how blessed I am to have such an amazing family and friends.  Thank you all who have touched my heart in such […]