
Be a True SUPER Yogi!

Children are truly our future. It may be cliche, but it’s true. In today’s world of endless screens, it’s even more important to introduce children of all ages to yoga. Kids are incredibly wise: they come into this world full of curiosity and creativity. Yoga helps them hone those skills, while also teaching them tangible […]


Stories from Mexico

I sought out and interviewed 11 Mexicans for a magazine but unfortunately it wasn’t published. Nevertheless, I wanted to honor them and share their stories here to show that, though we may be from different backgrounds and walks of life, we are all the same in the deepest sense. We are the Pure Self! Pure […]


The Story of Us

Photo credit to Jeff Skeirik   Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of answering some questions about the story of Eric Paskel and I – our relationship, our adventures teaching together and being together. In honor of our Paradise Found Yoga Retreat beginning tomorrow, here is the story of us (so far!) told by me, Rina. […]


It’s All in God’s Grace

I am writing this while traveling on a Delta flight from Los Angeles to NYC and have to admit that I’m still slightly traumatized from my experience traveling last week. I had some intense series of events that I know I will never forget. To be specific, it was 36 hours of the most chaotic, […]


Love in an Elevator

  “We met in an elevator. Eric his shirt on. Rina was not amused…” For the full article on how Eric Paskel and I began our adventure together, check out our story in the March 2017 issue of Today’s Yoga! CLICK HERE to read the full story! 🙂


Love vs. Attachment

Friendly Warning: The contents of what you are about to read may strike you as harsh and may create an emotional reaction you may not want to feel. Therefore, read with caution or choose to opt out. 🙂 According to the ancient teachings of yoga, the true definition of love is defined as being universal, unconditional, […]


La Verdad detrás de la Verdad

Ante todos los acontecimientos políticos y sociales que están ocurriendo actualmente, probablemente muchos de ustedes se preguntarán: “¿Qué se necesita para que la humanidad despierte?” Esta pregunta es inútil sin preguntar primero, “¿Qué se necesita para que tu despiertes? “   A mi me tomó, incesante sufrimiento, confusión y la conciencia de que las personas […]


Promesa a mi Ser

El fin de semana pasado le hice una promesa a mi mama: que seria yo misma completamente. Se que suena obvio, ¿Quien seria si no yo misma?   La realidad es que, como resultado de los todos los cambios recientes en mi vida, he tratado de adaptar y conformarme a mi entorno de forma que […]