Rina Yoga Love

Disclaimer: Rina Yoga Studio in Downtown Miami is STILL open!

Dearest Rina Yoga Miami Community,

Ten years ago I started Rina Yoga on December 2, 2005. I had 3 classes a week at the studio and began to build it up one day at a time. I had no business plan, no loans, some students and a drive to make a yoga community based on love and commitment to the teachings. I had no idea what to expect. Throughout the years I have learned that I’ve needed a lot of help to keep the studio alive. I couldn’t do it alone.  I needed my inspired students, my loving parents, our partnerships, our amazing staff throughout the years like Rosa, SueAnn, Karol, Clara, Tom, Joanne, Catherine, Susana, Lauranda, Mariana, Vanessa, Ruth, Kim, Jayme, Jenny, Sara, Kinisha, Angela, Raul, Nadia, and many more, our dedicated teachers, the loving Rina Yoga angels, the loyal and ever-smiling Heidy Toledo, and, of course you!


Throughout all this time I’ve been growing as a person and intended to inspire myself and others along their path, too. I’ve taken on challenges like teaching in Spanish because I never wanted to feel like I limited myself of my fullest potential. Because then, of what service could I be to others?

The last year and a half have been a bit uprooting and at the same time invigorating.

I have traveled to over 12 places all over the world in the last few years not including the back and forth flights from Miami to LA, all while maintaining a studio, a family connection, a relationship with my partner, a career, friendships, my studies, and my sanity! Haha!

Then some surprise situations came up that made me reflect on where I was and where I was going, individually and collectively.

We decided to close the Roads studio in May 2015 (at the end of our lease) because people were expressing their interest in the 2490 Coral Way studio instead. They felt the love we put into that space and it brought a second home to myself and many of you, as well.


In addition, we lost a few teachers this past summer due to their desire to make their dreams come true. Even if part of me wanted to stop them because I knew it would affect our yoga community, I couldn’t stop them from fulfilling what their hearts desired and let them find their path on their own.

My intention to create stability with our schedule and teachers was halted when I got the surprise email at the end of August that said, “I have to move out of 2490 Coral Way because there are new owners!!!” WHAT???!!! After all that investing, working, shifting, hiring, effort, etc here we are… I have to adapt now to a new reality that was unsettling and I knew it would be for a lot of our students and staff.

So after my initial freak out, I sat back and realized that I had to look at my situation objectively.  It seems that my path has been taking me in a different direction entirely and I need to take all of this into account.

The reality is that
1. My career is growing in ways I never expected and I’m traveling all over the world for both work and for my studies.

2. I don’t have a consistent home in Miami.

3. I have a home in LA (which I do pay rent for.)

4. My partner and love is living in LA.

5. I don’t have my own car in Miami.

6. I have a car in LA.

7. All my stuff in LA is in my room and in my closet.

8. All my stuff in Miami is in boxes in a room at my parent’s house and in storage.

9. When I reached out to the community to see if they could help find a new place for Rina Yoga, I got several people that stepped up (AND THANK YOUUU SOOO MUCH FOR THAT!) but the places and circumstances didn’t fit for Rina Yoga. To partner with a location that you don’t have a previous relationship with can be hard and I’m not around to build it correctly plus several other factors that I had to consider.

10. A couple more solid things I did have in the works for a new space fell through as well for random reasons beyond my control.

11. And finally, I have a third location in Downtown, which I have never given it the chance that it deserves. Therefore, it’s still open and you do have a studio to come to! 🙂

Thus, I have to find somewhere to land and ground my feet so that I can stabilize and grow spiritually which is ultimately my most important goal.  I must listen to all these signs and directions that I’m being led to.

One of my trainees said beautifully in our meeting last week, “I finally understood that you won’t be here always and that shouldn’t matter when it comes to my practice and my growth. I can’t depend on anybody else but myself to step up and do what I gotta do for myself. And I spent many moments judging you and thinking that you should act a certain way and pointing the finger at you but really the person I had to be pointing at was myself. I had to grow up and step up and do the work. You weren’t going to do it for me.” This is after nine months of starting her training so it’s been some time for her to give birth to this and realize the truth. She had calmness in her heart and understanding in her mind, which allowed for her to be clear and make our meeting simple and effective. She had already indulged in her emotions already and she finally came out on the other side seeing truth. I’m so happy for her that she got there. This will change her life!  As it can for you too if you choose to see it and understand it similarly.

Therefore, I am going to spread my wings and my roots in LA since the obvious, necessary and objective decision is to go there from my explanation above. For those in Miami who still want to stay connected physically somehow, I’ve found a few solutions to this. I am providing live streaming classes to be able to take my classes at the studio I’m teaching at in LA and I am teaching year round in different places so you can come visit me too. Also I am starting my one-on-one Personal Compass sessions via Facetime, phone or Skype, if you need the personal attention as well.

Throughout all these years you have all helped me grow in many ways and I have felt the important part you have all played in my life.

People have asked me “How can I help? What can I do?” And my response is to keep studying, keep coming to class and keep practicing with our community.

Become a leader in your own life! Be the example you want to set for yourself!

It’s really up to you guys and up to our teachers to continue this… I have provided you with so many tools and ways to step up for yourself and your community. All it takes is more heart from you. And I know you have heart!!

Yoga is in YOU!!! You are the yoga! So go and stay connected, play, learn, dance, laugh, cry and love, love, love!!!

We are yogis! We adapt, adjust and accommodate in order to serve to the best of our abilities! We got this!

I love you all and know that I’m always here if you need me. You can text me if you need anything. And I still do private sessions via skype if you want to start that journey with me too.  There are always ways to stay connected.

Thank you all for making this beautiful community what it is and see you soon! 🙂


Disclaimer: Rina Yoga Studio in Downtown Miami is STILL open!

Rina Jakubowicz