Riding the Waves

Every moment of the day can create a rise or a fall in your mood, thoughts, emotions, and life. In fact, the certainty that we have at least our five senses assures us that we will live in constant fluctuations. Our senses pull us in all directions. If our senses are pleased we are happy. If our senses are displeased, we are unhappy. In a span of five seconds we can be excited one moment, sad the next, grateful then angry, selfish then selfless.  This constant up and down ride we seem to ceaselessly be on is what gives rise to our suffering and our feeling of being overwhelmed with life.

If you take a moment and sit back to just observe this roller coaster of emotions and thoughts you live through on a daily basis you may find yourself in awe that you are still functioning somehow. In fact, it’s a miracle that with all the human beings riding their own form of roller coasters every second of the day there aren’t more stories of anarchy and chaos. So let’s give one thumb up for human co-existence!

Okay now let’s get real again. The waves will be there since your five senses and your mind have desires based on whatever ideals or belief systems you have been conditioned to believe will make you happy.  Once you can see that you don’t have to live by those ideals and can make your own path to your truth, then you will see that there is no need to resist, push away or run away from the waves.  Remember that your desires are relative; what makes you happy today can make you miserable tomorrow and what makes you feel at peace can drive another person crazy.

The wave will always be more powerful… until you sit back and flow with it. Observe it, see it rise, see it fall, know that it will rise again shortly and fall again right after thus removing any expectations of holding onto the high or resisting the low. If you know this will happen then you will be prepared and can maintain your peace longer.

It takes up so much of your energy to fight the wave. So just let go of the need to be in control of it. Focus on controlling your actions instead. Random thoughts and emotions will come up so assess if they need tending to or if they can just pass on by. If you keep resisting, pushing, huffing and puffing for the wave to go away, it will only drown you. It will envelop you and you will feel frustrated and defeated.  Instead, if you can acknowledge that the wave is coming, you stop and check it out for a moment. You assess and then jump on the wave and say “Let’s go buddy! We got this!”

The wave will embrace you and let you ride it swiftly.  Your acceptance and openness to change is what will ensure a more peaceful journey.  Let’s ride!









Rina Jakubowicz