Piercing Through the BS

I never completed my yoga training. In fact, I am still in my training and I don’t suspect I will ever be done with it. My life is my training – whether I am aware of it or not at times.

I consciously chose to take a yoga teacher training over 10 years ago in an ashram in Miramar, FL after spending six months of practicing three hours a day, six days a week. I got bit by the yoga bug, which gave me a passion that made me want to know more.

I had just graduated from University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a B.S. (Bachelors of Science) in Advertising and that’s exactly what I felt advertising was… a lot of BS (Bull Shit.)  I couldn’t get myself to sell products and services that I didn’t believe in to complete strangers. Intrinsically, I felt the karmic debt that would hang heavy on me.  Note: This is not a judgment on people who work in advertising because I have many amazing, close friends who work in agencies. I just knew that if I went that route I would have become a super bitch and lose myself completely.

Thus, the opportunity arose for me to take a yoga teacher training. I was to live in an ashram for one month and figured that if it wasn’t for me then I could move on and not look back. I had to put my all into it first before I wrote it off as a ridiculous career – a career choice I know my parents and peers would not approve of. The reason I felt this way was because my parents invested in my future with many forms of higher (and expensive) education and one technically doesn’t have to go to any formal schooling to become a yoga teacher… must less in the West. But let’s save that topic for another blog.

Through my experience at the ashram and my six months of intense practice, I went from being bit by the yoga bug to having a full body, mind and heart fever of yoga. My calling had been defined. Studying and teaching yoga became my path. Plus, since I do live in the West, I could use my marketing and advertising background from college to help me make that happen. (Thanks Mom and Dad! My education didn’t go to waste. 😉 )

When you want the truth bad enough and you are receiving a call from deep within, the only healthy responses are “Yes! Okay! I will answer your call willingly and listen! Let’s do this together with courage!”  But, the mind likes to play fun tricks on us.  It will say many excuses like, “It’s too late, don’t answer. You don’t really want to answer that call do you? Are you sure you want to listen to them? You’ll get tired. You’re not smart enough anyway to answer the call. You don’t have enough money. You don’t have the time. You’re too old. You’re too young. Just forget it. Might as well just give up. Let the machine get it…” You get the point.
I could keep writing possible comments because I know this version of my mind too well. We have a special relationship, my mind and I, after so many years of observing its tricks and delusional persuasions.  Instead of letting it pierce through my hopes, dreams, callings, and truth, I have made it as part of my work to consciously pierce through all of its B.S.  And this is what allowed me to take my first teacher training.  If I had allowed for all those doubts, fears and judgments to get in the way I would not be here today with this beautiful Miami community of yoga.

I invite you to look within yourself and see if you are being called to take your own yoga training or what is in fact calling you. Then see if your mind is piercing through it with doubts and fears.  If so, observe it, disregard it as untrue and move forward with your passion. Many of my past trainees have all said these excuses to me yet by the end of the training they were all grateful they took the step and made it happen for themselves. Their smiles are the reward. Many people repeatedly tell me they will take the training next time, and next time, and next time, and I can see the disappointment and regret in their faces of not taking the leap forward. It’s sad to see because I know they are only limiting themselves. Secretly, I wish I could grab a spear and pierce through their B.S. for them, but I know I can’t. They are on their path and I must let them walk their walk.

Start your new year with your truth guiding you and not your delusional mind. If you feel called to take a training, then find a training that works for you and just go for it! Keep me posted on your journey through the everlasting, never-ending yoga training of your life…  Eventually your mind will thank you for it.

Below is a future trainee’s essay on why he wants to take the teacher training starting in January 2014.  He is a 16-year old who is a cancer survivor and is following his passion. What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing Mark!

“When I first did yoga with Rina in the Super Yogis Teen Class, I actually felt like I had a place for once. Things actually made sense and I felt at home and safe. I realized very soon after that, that the answers weren’t all coming from Rina but rather from inside me. Finally I had realized that what made me feel at home wasn’t just the studio, but rather me. I for once, felt comfortable with myself and who I was. I didn’t want to change or hide anything anymore. I want to become a teacher because I want to help people reach people. I want to help people be happy and peaceful and love themselves like I had trouble doing for so long. Most importantly, I want to make a difference in people’s lives. Even if its small, I want to be able to be sure I have every tool possible so that when people need me, I can use whatever tool I need too, to help them. Whenever I even need help, I’ll have the tools to help myself. I want to be a better person and as helpful to others as I can be. I’m going to prove to myself that everything I want can become true, and that it’s not just things I want but goals; goals that I can achieve and that I will reach. When I put my heart and soul into something, I know I can do it and I believe that this teacher training is right for me and that it will help me achieve my goals in helping others. That is why I want to do Rina Yoga’s teacher training.
-Mark Perez, 16 years old – new Rina Yoga Trainee for January 2014

Rina Jakubowicz