Day 75: Children’s Hospital Boom

Today I had the honor of going to bring Christmas gifts to Jackson Pediatrics Children’s Hospital.  I went with my mom, Heidy, Susana and Jackie. I know it’s a little late or a little early for Christmas but it just didn’t happen before for whatever reason…

I want to share with you the beautiful moments I shared with these children in need, but I really can’t.  It’s hard to put into words the love that these children need and the love you can give them.  I went around and made eye contact with each one as a way to introduce myself and say hello.  Then, once I felt they were comfortable I would touch their leg or arm and caress them gently.  Just the gentle touch made each child react with a smile and warmth.  As if they didn’t get this touch often and knew exactly how wonderful it felt to be loved in such a way.  One 2-year old child, Tom, kept hitting himself rhythmically with his fist on his chin.  I first tried to move his arm but he would just beat something else, so instead I took a different approach. Instead of trying to change him to something I thought was better, I just put my hand on his tummy and didn’t move it at all.  I just laid it there and sent him love through my hand. Plus, it doesn’t hurt I do reiki.  He immediately stopped beating himself. His eyes were crossed the whole time until I put my hand on his tummy and he looked right at me for a few moments.  Then his eyes crossed again.  Amazing!  The power of touch is very underestimated.

A second boy, Leon, was lying on the floor completely unable to move except for his arms, eyes and mouth.  Being that his name is a lion is Spanish, he would open his mouth wide and just say “AHH”  AHH over and over again.  That was the only sound he could make.  His eyes were also a bit off center, but he could look at  you.  While I was with Tom he kept looking at me and saying “AHHHH.”  I told him I’d be right there.  I walked over to him and sat down next to him.  I put my hand on his forearm and started giving him carinitos otherwise known as caresses.  His eyes lit up and he would attempt a smile.  His eyes were smiling at me though.  Deep inside his eyes.  I would move my hand and he would try to find my hand with his arm.  I just kept caressing him.  He kept saying “AHH.” At one point I got the message that he was really trying to communicate with me, so I just kept telling him that I understood him.  I understood what he was trying to tell me and that I was there to give him love.  There was a mirror behind him and he laid his head back and saw me through the mirror and smiled.  I smiled back at him through the mirror and felt his love for me too.  Then his regular nurse came in and said that his mother had shared that she could tell that he was starting to move his legs a lot and that this was new to him.  The nurse hadn’t seen it before because apparently he only does it with his mom.  But, after a few moments, his legs started kicking.  He was sharing with us his ability to express himself with this body.  And it was so beautiful!  The nurse was in shock.  She said she had never seen him so agile and strong.   Well, he is a lion after all!

A third boy has a very sad story.  Israel had a routine heart surgery when he was younger and the nurse forgot to give him oxygen after the surgery.  Naturally, he became brain damaged and his body is now paralyzed.  The family filed suit and won $2 million in the case.  Both parents left the child with the grandmother and took the money for themselves.  They disappeared!   This poor boy has been sold for $2 million, when every child is priceless.  You can’t put a dollar value on love.

Another boy, Michael, was able to walk and talk, but he only fed through a tube connected to his backpack he has to carry around. His main problem was his anger issues.  He would bite, kick, scream and attack other children so the nurses have to discipline him there.  He was very well behaved while we were there.  He ran up to me and said ” I love presents.”  I said ” I love presents to, but the nurses tell me that you have to behave and love your friends instead of fight with them and then they will give you a present.  Do you want your friends to hug you or bite you.”  He looked at me and said “bite me!” and laughed.  Then I said, “No, you want them to hug you.” I opened my arms out wide and he came running into my arms.  We squeezed each other hard and I felt the pure love running through us.

What a blessing and gift that God gave me yesterday.  I am determined to helping these children.  They need our help.  They need diapers, a lot of diapers, jackets, clothing, and bath stuff like soap and shampoo.  The clothing sizes for up to 4Toddlers.  Please bring to Rina Yoga whatever you can to help us donate to these children…

Can you help me help them?

I also want to start a weekly group to go and visit these children.  It’s easy to give things, but can you give your love?
Once a week from 10am-11am.  It will put your life in perspective!!!

Who wants to come with me next Wednesday?

Namaste beautiful children, Leon, Michael, Israel, Tom, and all the others who are just waiting to feel our unconditional love….

Humbly and always yours,


Rina Jakubowicz