So, I’ve just completed my 45 minutes of yoga. Mostly stretchy today. Much needed after being on my feet all day yesterday preparing for our mini new years get together at our house. Was up until 7:30am which is the first time I’ve done that since college, aka about 10 years ago. My body is feeling it today! But it was a blast. I hope you got your yoga in today. Let me know about it if you like. Oh, my new kitten Apu was attacking my hair the whole time during practice. It was pretty funny. I’ll post a video one day… This photo isn’t Apu but this is what he does most of the day along with being my psycho cat running around playing with invisible toys.
If you’ve planned to join this supportive community, just practice 30 minutes today! 🙂 It’s already 11:37EST but I’m sure you can get it in! Let me now when you do! Blessings, Rina
Not sure if GBOYM sticks… I may have to revise that one…