DAY 5: BOOM! feels more like bum today?

Hey everyone, I am going to need a bit of a shove today.  I woke up super late… meaning 45 minutes ago and i’m dragging today… any suggestions?  I hope you are all doing your practice every day too! Blessings and love, Rina

Rina Jakubowicz

6 thoughts on “DAY 5: BOOM! feels more like bum today?

  1. Sevika says:

    get up and kicking!
    Put some music you love, light an inscence, and dont think about, just do it! get on your mat, center yourself and let it flow!
    And i mean do it now, dont leave it for later… 😉 feel the love

  2. Rina Jakubowicz says:

    I’m getting on my mat now!… i’m going to do rina yoga’s newsletter tomorrow or tonight so that i can BOOM now before my class!!!! who’s booming with me!? Thanks for the motivation Joan Varini and Ma Nithya Sevika!

  3. Sarah Kouri says:

    “I, Sarah Kouri, promise to choose my health and happiness first. I can only truly serve others as a yoga teacher if I serve myself as well. I promise to have fun with this process and look forward to practicing every day. If I haven’t practiced my asana/pranayama/meditation/whatever your choice of yoga is yet in the day, I will choose to practice whatever my form of yoga is instead of watching an extra video on my computer, facebooking, sending out another email , watching another TV episode/movie, going out to a bar/restaurant/cafe, taking a nap, or whatever else I do to procrastinate my own practice. I will have balance in this adventure. I will practice at least 30 minutes every day. I promise this to myself.”

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