Hey everyone, I am going to need a bit of a shove today. I woke up super late… meaning 45 minutes ago and i’m dragging today… any suggestions? I hope you are all doing your practice every day too! Blessings and love, Rina
6 thoughts on “DAY 5: BOOM! feels more like bum today?”
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get up and kicking!
Put some music you love, light an inscence, and dont think about, just do it! get on your mat, center yourself and let it flow!
And i mean do it now, dont leave it for later… 😉 feel the love
Beena Beena she our ham if she can’t do it no one can! Yey!!!
oink oink! lol! 🙂
I’m getting on my mat now!… i’m going to do rina yoga’s newsletter tomorrow or tonight so that i can BOOM now before my class!!!! who’s booming with me!? Thanks for the motivation Joan Varini and Ma Nithya Sevika!
“I, Sarah Kouri, promise to choose my health and happiness first. I can only truly serve others as a yoga teacher if I serve myself as well. I promise to have fun with this process and look forward to practicing every day. If I haven’t practiced my asana/pranayama/meditation/whatever your choice of yoga is yet in the day, I will choose to practice whatever my form of yoga is instead of watching an extra video on my computer, facebooking, sending out another email , watching another TV episode/movie, going out to a bar/restaurant/cafe, taking a nap, or whatever else I do to procrastinate my own practice. I will have balance in this adventure. I will practice at least 30 minutes every day. I promise this to myself.”
Welcome Sarah! 🙂 let us know how you are doing?