I AM AN ADDICT… by Rina Jakubowicz

Of what, you ask?

Not necessarily the regular stuff you might think like alcohol or drugs, but of things that I feel I wouldn’t be able to live without.  I might have withdrawal from not having these things in my life for an extended period of time.  Does that make it an addiction?  I don’t know, but it feels that way sometimes.  Those times may be caused by momentary imbalance, but regardless, it is a part of my life.

I am addicted to searching and learning; (the seeker in me has never parted.)

I am addicted to loving; (I love loving.  I do it all the time.  I can’t stop really.  I’ve tried, but it’s really in no ones best interest.)

I am addicted to talking; (although I will admit I did a silent retreat for 7 days and it was a wonderful, refreshing experience.  I highly recommend it.)

I am addicted to helping; (Oh, I am the typical helper bee.  I have to catch myself from overdoing the helping when it is at a cost to me.)

I am addicted to listening; (I find people fascinating and I love to hear their stories and observing their behaviors.  I even wrote a screenplay 12 years ago, which was based on basic listening skills and communication skills, in order to hopefully lead the viewer to experience compassion.  I learn a lot from listening to others. )

I am addicted to expressing; (my face says it all!)

I am addicted to getting approval from myself and others; (getting approval is when I smile at someone and someone smiles back.  That is a very happy feeling.)

I am addicted to getting energy; (sometimes my sources aren’t the healthiest like drinking a good cortadito aka Cuban coffee for my gringo readers.)

I am addicted to sleeping; (read my previous blog to find out more.)

I am addicted to teaching; (teaching yoga is my calling and passion in life.  I can’t imagine not sharing it with whoever is willing to listen.)

I am addicted to starting sentences with the word “I”; (have you ever stopped and counted how many of your sentences start with “I”?  It’s pretty fascinating.  I’ve done it in conversations and I am amazed.)  Did you catch the two “I”s in the last sentence? ;-)

I am addicted to positive affirmations; (I say them all the time in my head.)

I am addicted to being happy; (I know it may be obnoxious, but I always see things positively, so I have no choice but to be happy.)

I am addicted to my friends and family; (spending quality time with others is my favorite thing to do.  I’m always there for them; see addiction to helping.)

I am addicted to being me; (it’s so much fun to just be yourself. I invite you to try it.)

I am addicted to working; (yup, that’s me.  Learning how to balance my time is a challenge, but I love challenges, which leads me to…)

I am addicted to a good challenge; (see above.)

I am addicted to checking emails; (gosh, this one is just so sad to admit, but it’s the truth.  So sad. So, so sad.)

I am addicted to questioning; (but that’s just the rebel in me.)

I am addicted to yoga; (I guess this one is a good thing since it’s my profession.)

I am addicted to observing my thoughts; (this one gets exhausting, but it’s also fascinating – see addiction to listening.)

I am addicted to analyzing my behaviors; (this one is also fascinating.  I just love figuring myself out – hence the seeker, the challenge, the being me addictions. Oh, and hence, the fact that I have come up with a long list of addictions… lol!!!)

I hope that’s been as insightful for you as it has been for me.

What about you?  What are you addicted to?

I dare you to share them. That way, you can satisfy my addiction to listening. ☺

Rina Jakubowicz